
45 search results

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  1. Well Connected? On Relations between Regions and the European Union

    Increasingly, subnational authorities are assuming a greater role in the implementation of national and European legislation. As ...

    Publication | 29-01-2016

  2. Deployment of Rapid-Reaction Forces

    The growing instability on the edge of Europe has increased the need for deployment of armed forces – including rapid-reaction ...

    Publication | 02-10-2015

  3. Autonomous Weapon Systems: The Need for Meaningful Human Control

    In the report ‘Autonomous Weapons System: The Need for Meaningful Human Control’, the AIV and CAVV argue that meaningful human ...

    Publication | 02-10-2015

  4. Instability around Europe: Confrontation with a New Reality

    The Netherlands’ foreign and security policy is confronted with a new reality. There is an ‘arc of instability’ on Europe’s ...

    Publication | 24-04-2015

  5. ACP-EU Cooperation after 2020: Towards a New Partnership?

    Since the middle of the 20th century the European Union has maintained a special relationship with a group of countries in ...

    Publication | 13-03-2015

  6. Annual report 2014

    Annual report | 30-01-2015

  7. The Internet: A Global Free Space with Limited State Control

    The internet was originally seen as a new technology that would contribute greatly to freedom of expression. However, internet ...

    Publication | 01-12-2014

  8. The Future of the Arctic Region: Cooperation or Confrontation?

    In ‘The Future of the Arctic Region: Cooperation or Confrontation?’ the AIV contends that the government should formulate an ...

    Publication | 05-09-2014

  9. Improving Global Financial Cohesion: The Importance of a Coherent International Economic and Financial Architecture

    In this advisory report, the AIV argues that the international economic and financial system is not functioning properly and that ...

    Publication | 25-06-2014

  10. The EU’s Dependence on Russian Gas: How an Integrated EU Policy can Reduce it

    According to the AIV, the EU needs to take measures to reduce the gas dependency of those member states that import more than 50% ...

    Publication | 06-06-2014