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  1. Pre-Emptive Action

    International law imposes limits on pre-emptive action as defined in the 2002 US National Security Strategy. In the advisory ...

    Publication | 09-07-2004

  2. An Analysis of the US Missile Defence Plans: Pros and Cons of Striving for Invulnerability

    The threat underlying the US ambition to build a missile shield is a possible future scenario. However, an effective attack using ...

    Publication | 17-07-2002

  3. Developments in the International Security Situation in the 1990s: From Unsafe Security to Insecure Safety

    This advisory report contains an analysis of developments in the international security situation, of changes since 1993 in the ...

    Publication | 01-09-1999

  4. Humanitarian Aid: Redefining the Limits

    The AIV favours a strict distinction between humanitarian aid and other forms of aid, such as reconstruction aid. This is ...

    Publication | 27-10-1998

  5. Is the Eurozone Stormproof? On Deepening and Strengthening the EMU

    Since the euro crisis of 2010-2012 the economic differences between the countries in the eurozone have only grown larger. In ...

    Publication | 07-07-2017