
45 search results

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  1. A Convention, or Conventional Preparations? The European Union and the ICG 2004

    In this advisory report, drawn up at the request of the House of Representatives, the AIV argues that the EU member states should ...

    Publication | 29-10-2001

  2. Commentary on the 2001 Memorandum on Human Rights Policy

    The AIV is pleased that the government commissioned the 2001 Memorandum on Human Rights Policy, which attempts to set out a human ...

    Publication | 07-09-2001

  3. Developments in the International Security Situation in the 1990s: From Unsafe Security to Insecure Safety

    This advisory report contains an analysis of developments in the international security situation, of changes since 1993 in the ...

    Publication | 01-09-1999

  4. Towards Calmer Waters: A Report on Relations Between Turkey and the European Union

    This advisory report aims to help foster clear and businesslike relations between Turkey and the European Union. The AIV notes ...

    Publication | 02-07-1999

  5. Humanitarian Aid: Redefining the Limits

    The AIV favours a strict distinction between humanitarian aid and other forms of aid, such as reconstruction aid. This is ...

    Publication | 27-10-1998